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What are robots and how can we benefit from them



This word was coined by the physicist Karel Capek in 1921 AD to define a computerised machine that responds to inputs or interacts with its surroundings.

Today, planes are used for a variety of purposes, including the construction of automobiles and computers, as well as diets. Oversees alignment and acts as though they are human.

The science of robot design

Robotics is an area of engineering that combines mechanical, electrical, and computer engineering to develop and manufacture robots.

This field has seen enormous growth as a result of the modern technological revolution, which has aided in the development of more complicated, intelligent, and effective robots through the introduction of programming in automated systems and the application of artificial intelligence, as well as new types of sensors to monitor environmental impacts such as temperature, air pressure, light, and other factors.

Artificial Intelligence and its fields

Artificial intelligence has found its way into a wide range of applications and fields, including the development of computer applications for medical diagnostics in clinics and hospitals. Developing a computer-based search technique over the Internet.

System development for stock trading. Using computers to test theories about how the human mind works and the actions it performs, such as recognising familiar faces and activating memories, cognitive simulations are being developed.

Computer software development

Computer programmes have been developed as a result of artificial intelligence, such as chess game programmes on computers. Alan Turing, a British mathematician, created the chess game algorithm in 1948.

Robotics is an area of engineering that combines mechanical, electrical, and computer engineering to develop and manufacture robots.
           The science of robot design

As a result of the usage of computational software, the American mathematician Claude Shannon devised an algorithm for playing chess by two people on a computer ten years later, as this software evaluates all possible moves for each player, as well as the repercussions of those actions as far as possible.

Some of the characteristics of artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence has a number of properties that have made it a good investment in a variety of fields, including the application of artificial intelligence to devices and computers that allow them to plan and evaluate problems using logic. Sounds and words are recognised, as well as the capacity to move objects.

AI adopters can understand the input and analyze it well to provide an output that meets the user's needs very efficiently. It enables continuous learning, whereby the learning process is automatic and automatic without being subject to control and supervision.
