Science and technology
Science is a term that refers to a body of knowledge that allows a person to access, learn, recognise, and benefit from it in the areas assigned to it. It is also known as: a close examination of the components that surround the environment, as well as the application of practical and actual experiences In order to become more familiar with new information
Technology is defined as a set of practical and scientific approaches that assist in the development of something, based on the available means, such as tools, equipment, and abilities.
It is also defined as: the human capacity acquired from science, which contributes to the innovation and invention of new things that were not previously known, or that helps in reaching positive results that are beneficial to people.
Science, technology and the relationship between them |
Science, technology and the relationship between them
Although science and technology have different definitions, there are common linkages between them. As a result, the modern information revolution linked them considerably, as it helped people benefit from newly discovered sciences and achieve technical advancement in a variety of disciplines.
With the passage of time and the spread of scientific study that was concerned with all aspects of life, I was able to draw the notions of science and technology closer together until they became inseparable.
One of the first instances is the advancement of science in the subject of mathematics, which led to the introduction of the calculator as a tool for quickly completing mathematical operations such as adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing.
Because technology had a significant part in the development of the calculator, the concept of its operation was based on organising integers in numerical sequences using mathematical equations.
Which aided in the creation of the first thoughts for the invention of a new gadget, part of which was based on the concept of arithmetic numbers, and this device was the computer, which went on to become one of the most important electronic and technological instruments in human history.