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Definition of scientific research


Definition of scientific research

Scientific research is a method of describing facts using a set of criteria that helps to advance knowledge. It should be mentioned that scholars' perspectives on its definition varies. According to their preferences and scientific convictions, which include:
  • An organised intellectual process carried out by a person called (the researcher) in order to explore facts on a particular issue or topic called (the subject of the research), by using an organised scientific approach called (the research technique),(Abd al-Basit Khader) described it (the research method).They are referred to in order to arrive at acceptable treatment solutions or to generalise results for similar conditions (research results)
  • It is defined by (Muhammad Inaya) as "a systematic inquiry using specialised scientific methodologies and methodologies of scientific facts." With the goal of verifying its accuracy, modifying it, or adding new information.
    Highlighting the researcher's independence in presenting information, discovering new things, and attempting to address research problems by expressing his own ideas in his own language, rather than relying on literal information and other concerns
    Definition of scientific research

The importance of writing scientific research

Interest in contributing to the development of society and helping it. Discovering the unknown and producing fresh information are two things that pique my interest. Trying to solve problems that haven't been solved yet. Submit the research as part of a PhD or master's degree requirement. The desire of institutions to conduct studies and research that will aid in their expansion and development.
Due to scepticism about the outcomes of prior study, confirmation is required. Pleasure experienced by the researcher when addressing difficulties that he or others face, or when creatively conducting work that is beneficial to himself and others.

What are the characteristics of scientific research

Highlighting the researcher's independence in presenting information, discovering new things, and attempting to address research problems by expressing his own ideas in his own language, rather than relying on literal information and other concerns.

Depth, analysis, criticism, and cataloguing of material after addressing a series of questions such as "Why?" "How?" "So what?" and other research-related inquiries.

Objectivity is portrayed in a variety of ways, such as avoiding prejudice and emotions when providing ideas, viewing the topic objectively, and offering mental evidence based on mental persuasion.
Scientific inquiry is concerned with thoroughly and precisely researching a topic or phenomenon in all of its concepts and features. The descriptive, inductive, analytical, and translational approaches are the most essential of the scientific research methodologies.