Science and ambition
A person's sound nature and real character enjoy ambition and the ascension of summits in numerous disciplines, and if he delays, fails, or refuses to do so for emergency, financial, social, or security reasons, he is a failure.
When we see the fingerprints of scientists in numerous fields around us, we notice books for scientists, libraries crammed with them, and satellite channels boasting about scientists'processions, hosting them, and exalting their prestige.
When stripped of the hurdles to this, and overcomes the impediments to the leap, towards the paths of the sublime, the soul of a regular person strives to trace their traces and touch their footsteps, so how does a person become a scientist, and what steps does he take to attain such a high, high degree?
How can I be a scientist?
- The goal must first be defined
You must set a specific goal for your desire to become a scientist, and you must keep this goal in mind at all times. It is critical that your intention be pure, first for the sake of God, and then to harness this science for the advancement of Islam and Muslims, and you must choose a specific field for yourself. You then begin to examine it.
- studying
This study must be aware of the science and concepts that have proven useful in this research, and this study will allow you to construct new ideas on the ideas that have been produced by scholars.
It also allows you to determine the validity or invalidity of some of these theories; for example, Einstein demonstrated the speed of light and cancelled the theory of the aether, which necessitates more investigation and the gathering of numerous scientific perspectives.
How can I be a scientist? |
- Establish a business model
You can picture the work you want to present, which you believe is a fresh idea or an unparalleled creation, and then write down all the notes you need about it, even if they aren't necessary right now; you may need them later, and then proceed to the next phase, prediction.
So that you may create a set of expectations based on your observations and observations, and then test what you've learned through practise.
It's important to note that the experiment may fail at first owing to an application problem; nonetheless, you shouldn't give up and attempt again by identifying the issue that caused the difference in your predictions.