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American University's material


 Download the American University's material from the fields required in the labor market.
Download the American University's material from the fields required in the labor market.
American university 's material 

Complete material to learn a lot of areas required in the labor market, how is everyone, you want to learn one of the required areas of work in the market, and you do not know where to start, the knowledge Icon site provides you with a complete material to teach many important and required areas in the labor market such as (marketing, sales, human resources, English, Excel, search engine optimization (SEO), Master of Business Administration and Marketing, motivation, fr) This material will not be matched.

Details of the material:

A complete series of marketing books until May 2018.

All Philip Kotler's books on marketing.

All books that explain Google AdWords

A complete curriculum in teaching English.

All Videos, Books & Files : Neil Patel's Advanced Content Marketing Summit

A complete MBA curriculum in Marketing by the American University.

All Excel files related to business models in the field of marketing.

Information about MBA and Marketing (MBA-marketing)

Statistics is one of the basic means of collecting and analyzing information.  This science deals with many and varied things such as the type of information, the method of obtaining it, the analysis of various information, the presentation of results, and the knowledge of factors affecting a particular variable.

Study the principles of marketing

Study of accounting principles

Study the principles of financing and valuation of companies

Study the principles of corporate organization

Study the principles of human resources

Study the principles of operations management.

The matrial includes several parts:

  • accounting
  • economy
  • financing
  • leadership
  • marketing
  • negotiate
  • PMP - Project Management
  • Strategic Planning
  • Sales Team Management
  • Organizational behavior

Download the full maatrial: from here

Download Material Master of Business Administration and Marketing (MBA-marketing): From here