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How stars form


 How Stars are made up ?

Stars are formed inside scattered clouds of dust, and then spread in most galaxies, as interactions inside these clouds are stimulated when there is a lot of dust and gas, after which the gas and dust begin to fold under the influence of gravity, which leads to a rise in the temperature of the materials in the center, and thus this hot center in the heart of the introverted cloud will turn into a star. Three-dimensional models of star formation showed that clouds consisting of compressed gas and dust that rotate in a circular shape will disintegrate into two or three points, and this explains why the majority of stars in the Milky Way exist in the form of pairs or groups, and it should be noted that not all of these materials turn into stars, as the remaining dust can become planets, asteroids, comets or remain dust as it is.
How stars are made up

Star life cycle

The star goes through several stages of different mass from its formation to its death as follows:

  • Low-mass stars: Low-mass stars can only melt the element hydrogen, and when the hydrogen fades, the fusion process is successful, and then the star begins to shrink until it turns into a white dwarf.
  •   Medium-mass stars: Medium-mass stars swell until they become red giants, then spew planetary nebulae through very large explosions before shrinking and becoming a white dwarf.
  •  Stars with high mass: they are either exposed to a carbon explosion or to additional melting cycles, which lead to the formation of heavy elements, such as iron, which appears as a result of the fusion of silicon, which contributes to its accumulation in the center, and thus increase the mass of the nucleus Chandrasekhar (English: Chandrasekhar), so that its mass becomes about 1.44 times greater than the mass of the sun, and thus the star collapses.

Star Forming Elements

Stars are made up of a group of elements: 99% gas. 
1% dust. 
The gas in the Milky Way consists of: 70% hydrogen. 
28% helium. 
2% heavier elements than helium.