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How much do you know about Training Services


   Training Services

Types of training
Training Services


Training is a modern and effective way to improve and develop any of the different areas of life, whether it is in the personal, academic, financial, practical, family, health or any other field. Training today occupies a central place in the world as an important and effective means of achieving goals by dividing them into small tasks. The training industry has become a heavy industry that needs specific inputs, and these inputs must also have specific standards of quality so that we can achieve the correct concept of training, and modify the old concepts, which is that training is not just an expense but a high-value investment.

The term training refers to the acquisition of knowledge, skill, and competencies as a result of professional teaching or practical skills and knowledge that relates to specific useful competencies. It forms the core of apprenticeships, and provides the backbone of content in institutes of technology (also known as technical colleges or technical institutes). In addition to the basic training required to do business, job or occupation, labour market monitors recognize the need to continue training beyond the initial qualifications: to maintain, develop and update employment skills throughout life. People in many professions and trades may refer to this type of training as professional development. Some commentators use a similar term in the workplace of learning to improve performance: training and development. One can generally classify such on-the-job or off-the-job training:

On-the-job training takes place in the normal working situation, using the actual tool, equipment, documents or materials that will be fully used by the trainees. On-the-job training has the most effective public reputation for professional work.

Out-of-work training takes place far from normal work situations—meaning that the employee is not considered a direct productive factor in such training. Off-time training has the advantage that it allows a person to have more precision and focus on training itself away from work. This type of training has proven more effective in instilling concepts and ideas.

Training differs from practice in that people may practice it as a casual activity for pleasure. Training has specific objectives for improving individual capacity, capacity-building and performance.

  • On-the-job training takes place in the normal working situation, using the actual tool, equipment, documents or materials that will be fully used by the trainees. On-the-job training has the most effective public reputation for professional work.

  • Out-of-work training takes place far from normal work situations—meaning that the employee is not considered a direct productive factor in such training. Off-time training has the advantage that it allows a person to have more precision and focus on training itself away from work. This type of training has proven more effective in instilling concepts and ideas.

Training differs from practice in that people may practice it as a casual activity for pleasure. Training has specific objectives for improving individual capacity, capacity-building and performance.

Types of training

Physical training

Physical training focuses on automated goals: training programs in this area develop specific skills or muscles, often culminating at a certain time. Some physical training programs focus on raising overall fitness. In military use, training means acquiring the physical ability to perform and survive in combat, and learning many of the skills needed in wartime. They include how to use a variety of weapons, outdoor survival skills, and how to survive when caught by an enemy among others. See Military Education and Training. For psychological or physiological reasons, people who believe it may be beneficial to them choose to practice relaxation training, or autogenic training, in an attempt to increase their ability to relax, or cope with stress, while some studies have indicated that relaxation training is useful for some medical conditions, and autogenic training, has limited results or has been the result of a few studies.

Vocational or on-the-job training

Some commentators use a term similar to workplace learning or on-the-job training is performance improvement: "training and development." There are also additional services available online for those who want to receive training beyond those offered by their employers. Some examples of these services include career counseling, skills assessment, and support services. On-the-job training needs to follow specific steps and procedures, in particular the analysis of tasks and skills, identifying deficiencies in their performance, determining the optimal method for developing them, in addition to providing capabilities, taking into account psychological and environmental aspects, and following up and evaluating performance at short and long intervals. This is underscored by the need for coaches or mentors who have the attitudes and skills to carry out this role.

Religion and spirituality

In religious and spiritual use, training may mean purification of mind and heart, understanding and actions to obtain a variety of spiritual goals such as closeness to God, or freedom from suffering. Not, for example, the founders of the spiritual training of Buddhism, the threefold training, or discipleship in Christianity.

Artificial Intelligence

Researchers have developed artificial training methods for intelligence services as well. Evolutionary algorithms, including genetic programming and other machine learning methods, use a fitness-based echo feedback system to allow computer programs to determine how well an entity is executing a task. Methods of building a series of programs, known as a "community" of programs, and then automatically testing "fitness" and monitoring how well the task is being done. The system automatically creates new programs based on the best performing members of the population. These new members are replacing programs that perform worse. The procedure is repeated until optimal performance is achieved.

How much do you know about Training Services
How much do you know about Training Services

In robotics, such a system can continue to operate in real time after initial training, allowing the robot to adapt to new situations, changes in themselves, for example, wear or damage. Researchers have also developed robots that can appear to simulate human behavior as a starting point for training.

Recently, the so-called training and administrative development has spread, which is carried out through the provision of training courses in which candidates undergo a set of trainings and information that belong in one way or another to the nature of their work, and these training courses may differ in the way and method of providing them depending on the lecturer or trainer who implements this course. The types of training provided by the training center, whether private or governmental, are contractual or public:

  • - Contractual: It is carried out in cooperation with one specific entity and before the implementation of this course, a study is conducted on the employees nominated for this course in order to design the training program to cover their scientific need and to facilitate its application in the field of work, knowing that the percentage of application of what is taken in training courses is 30% or less.

  • - General: It is the one that is publicized in all media and the trainees enroll in it, each according to his interest, it may be social, scientific, administrative courses or with the aim of acquiring new information.
